The Effects of the Developments in Artificial Intelligence and Open-Access Software on the Visions of Academicians

Deveciyan M. T., BATAKLAR S.

PERSPECTIVES ON GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.23, no.1-2, pp.45-67, 2024 (ESCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 23 Issue: 1-2
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Doi Number: 10.1163/15691497-12341673
  • Journal Indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus, Academic Search Premier, ASSIA, IBZ Online, International Bibliography of Social Sciences, ABI/INFORM, Applied Science & Technology Source, Business Source Elite, Business Source Premier, CAB Abstracts, Computer & Applied Sciences, Geobase, Index Islamicus, PAIS International, Political Science Complete, Public Affairs Index, Social services abstracts, Sociological abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
  • Page Numbers: pp.45-67
  • Istanbul Kültür University Affiliated: Yes


This research aims to examine the effects of developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and open-access software on the visions of academicians. The research was conducted using the phenomenology pattern, one of the qualitative research methods, and semi-structured in-depth interviews were preferred during the data collection process. Descriptive and coding-based qualitative content analysis methods were used in the research process. Emerging themes include the use of artificial intelligence in higher education; situation analysis of the use of AI in academics (SwOT); and strategic dimension of using AI in higher education. These themes explain in detail the potential effects of AI and open-access software on the strategy and competitiveness dimensions of academics' visions. It is expected that the study will make significant contributions to understanding the changes that AI and open-access software will create in the academic world and how these technologies can be integrated into the way academics work.