World Congress on Engineering, WCE 2014, London, England, 2 - 04 July 2014, vol.2, pp.1063-1068
This research proposes a deterministic solution approach to a single objective, single period, multi-modal, multi-commodity, two-stage stochastic programming, disaster-relief supply chain transportation and distribution problem minimizing the overall costs consisting of the expected firststage and second stage (recourse) transportation and the service level costs. Since a disaster creates randomness in resources such as arc capacities and supply/demand amounts, a finite set of disaster location and impact scenarios have been considered to model this uncertainty and vulnerability in the distribution network. Transportation decisions under uncertainty have been optimized by determining the mode-commodity specific routing paths. The approach has been discussed and validated by established relations of stochastic programming value of stochastic solution (VSS) and expected value of perfect information (EVPI) derived from the new model, its wait-and-see, and expected value problem solutions.