Cha(lle)nging Childhoods: Reimagine Childhood in Uncertainty and Inequality

Toran M. (Editor), Güven M. (Editor)

Istanbul Kültür University Press, İstanbul, 2024

  • Publication Type: Book / Proceedings
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Publisher: Istanbul Kültür University Press
  • City: İstanbul
  • Istanbul Kültür University Affiliated: Yes


It is time to celebrate finalizing a successful conference “Conference of Childhood, Education & Society (ConferenceCES)” themed "Challenging and Changing Childhoods: Reimagine Childhood in Uncertainty and Inequality." The childhood researchers from 31 countries attended the conference presenting 90 researches. We all shared an environment of scholarly enthusiasm in which vibrant scientific discussions have been flourished. Together we felt empowered to advance the study of child development, education, and well-being.

The conference strands, politics of childhood, early childhood teachers’ professional development, technology use in early childhood education, development, learning, play, and curricula in childhood, science and mathematics in early childhood education, community services for children and their families, sustainable development in early childhood education, inclusiveness and democracy in childhood, diversity in early childhood, children’s resilience and empowerment, children’s rights, reconceptualization of childhoods for equal societies, have been addressed by the research studies with promising findings. We ensured together that a promise to contribute to the field of childhood studies will be kept by monitoring the results of upcoming policies to make children’s development, learning, and wellbeing especially for the ones who need the most and urgent support.   

On behalf of the organizing committee of the ConferenceCES, we would like to give our sincere appreciation to all participating researchers for their insights and for their endless effort to expand their expertise and wisdom. We have a heartfelt wish to come together in the next ConferenceCES to expand our community of Journal of Childhood, Education & Society.