Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, vol.37, no.2, pp.68-73, 2017 (Scopus)
Objectives: P1A1/A2 polymorphism on Integrin Subunit Beta 3 (ITGB3) gene’s correlation with increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI) is not clear and various researches have reported contradictory results concerning the P1A1/A2 polymorphism of ITGB3 gene. We have focused on the relation P1A1/A2 polymorphism and MI, 26 male subjects under 45 years old who had MI. Due to the increasing concern of sudden death on athletes, we have compared these subjects with professional athletes. We aimed to investigate the frequency of P1A1/A2 polymorphism, in subjects under 45 years old suffering myocardial infarction (MI) and elite athletes who are at the same age range. Material and Methods: Peripheral blood was collected from 26 subjects with MI grouped as positive control, 25 healthy subjects grouped as negative control and 37 subjects as elite athletes. DNA was isolated from totally 88 peripheral blood samples. DNA extraction was followed by the PCR-RFLP method in order to detect the PlA1/A2 polymorphism. Amplified DNA products were digested with HpaII restriction enzyme. We aimed to see two bands, at 81 and 127 bp, after enzyme digestion. Standard descriptive statistical methods were applied to summarize the data. Results: Three genotypes could be determined after assessment with bioanalyzer; genotype P1A1/P1A1 (81 and 127 bp fragments), genotype P1A1/P1A2 (81,127 and 208 bp fragments) and genotype P1A2/P1A2 (208 bp). Heterozygous polymorphic phenotype (P1A1/P1A2) was observed 8%, 7.7% and 17% on positive control group, negative control group, and elite athletes, respectively. Homozygous phenotype (PlA2/A2) was observed in 7.7% of positive control group only. Conclusion: Our study highlights the significance of screening on athletes to prevent sudden deaths during sports. For next step, these obtained results will be analysed on larger populations to try to answer the question that “can sudden cardiac deaths (SCDs) be avoided and what should be done?”.