Nature has developed strategies to solve all the challenges she had been facing during millions of years of evolutionary process. These strategies are able to provide solutions to many problems (unsustainable energy consumption, production of nonrecyclable materials-products which cause serious environmental problems, etc.) humankind is facing at the moment. Therefore, biomimicry is used as the potential design approach during design stages and enables these naturally produced mechanisms to be researched and transferred into design. Examination of all these mechanisms is possible with biology. Therefore designers must be familiar with biology. This study emphasizes the importance of using space design criteria specially prepared based on biomimicry, to develop and create sustainable architectural spaces. As nature is at the basis of everything, it is also at the basis of design. Designers are obliged to learn models and methods in nature to be capable of understanding the potentials of biomimicry. This study also mentions the necessity of considering interdisciplinary study during the discovery stage of using natural models to solve architectural problems. All architectural designs that will be revealed by these design criteria which have been developed with this awareness, are aimed to be innovative and sustainable. The logic of use of biology and considering important aspects are explained concurrently while approaching these criteria. During creation of these criteria a profound literature review has been done to reveal the effects of using biomimicry design criteria on basic architectural design criteria.