Turkish Studies - Social Sciences , vol.15, no.6, pp.2815-2832, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Semiology remarkably shown its influence in literature studies in the 20th century, and it becameinevitable to be a subject of research both in terms of architecture and visual culture. Questioning how theconnection between human and the world was structured, “semiology” has started to take its place as animportant discipline in communication studies. “Semiology”, which means “representation”, plays a key rolein this study, and spatial analysis is carried out through materials related to visual culture such as caricature,paintings, and articles. In this context, it is aimed to present a different perspective for space reading in thefield of interior architecture by using semiology as a source within the scope of the study. Because spaceexists with human beings and becomes meaningful with experiences. For this reason, every image given tothe user gains semiological importance. Semiology is explained as the individual's perception, interpretationand interaction in his/her life practice; Especially, “metaphorization”, which plays an active role in visualcommunication studies, reveals new meanings attributed to objects. With these researches, semiology, whichis used as a communication tool, offers a new field of study to review the design process from differentperspectives. Semiology, which is determined as the method of this study, has meanings regarding visualculture and analyzing issues such as “relating” – “meaning attribution” – “memory” is the main goal of thisstudy. Examining the texts related to different terms within this concept and discovering the meaningsunderlying the space constitutes an important point in this study.