Real Estate 4.0 & brand ('ed housing) positioning

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karabağ Ç., Alptekin G.

Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation (Online), vol.5, no.4, pp.269-285, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


The global competitive environment of the real estate market requires the adoption of new marketing approaches with the help of information and communication technology integration. The concept of Marketing 4.0, which emerged with the adaptation of Industry 4.0, is evaluated under the title of Real Estate 4.0, particularly for the real estate sector. While real estate companies are motivated for producing branded housing projects because of demand, they need to develop brand positioning strategies as an integral part of marketing, to create a certain image of the target customer, orient perception and manipulate decision-making and guide consumer preferences. There are numerous studies according to marketing strategies in various fields as well as the construction and real estate industry. There is also much research about brand positioning strategies in various fields. There is a gap in the literature about brand positioning strategies in the real estate industry. This exploratory study is focused on developing brand positioning strategies for real estate companies and aims to integrate the subject within Real Estate 4.0 concept. The research problem of the study is to find the real estate 4.0 equivalents of brand positioning strategies within the scope of marketing 4.0 and to reveal the corresponding services. For this purpose, findings from theoretical work are matched with a particular real estate company’s brand positioning effort. Within a three-stage research study, projects and services produced by the selected company AAA were analyzed and potential customers’ perceptions were revealed. It is understood that the brand is a dominantly catchy feature for AAA, while many innovative services and social projects do not attract enough attention. It is also seen that social media is the most effective tool to reach potential customers. In the continuation of this study, a complementary study on purpose-based brand positioning strategies for real estate companies will contribute to the literature.