Green Organizational Identity and Green Competitive Advantage

Taksi Deveciyan M.

ROMAYA - Multidisipliner Akademik Yaklaşım Araştırmaları Dergisi, cilt.3, sa.2, ss.23-30, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)


“Green competitive advantage” is a concept that differentiates a organization’s environmental performance and sustainable practices from its competitors and provides a competitive advantage. An important step towards achieving a green competitive advantage is raising the organization’s awareness of social responsibility beyond the perception of integrating an organization’s environmental goals into its mission and strategies. Interpretive framework for environmental management and preservation that organizational members jointly develop to provide meaning to their green actions is referred to as a “green organizational identity. “ “Green competitive advantage” not only strengthens the company’s sustainability image but also may offer the opportunity to elevate the organization to a leading position in its sector. This review study seeks to raise awareness and offer guidance for researchers who want to work in this area by focusing on the connection between “green organizational identity” and “green competitive advantage,” two concepts that have received little attention in the literature.