Rent as a Means of Capital Accumulation in Turkey

Yirtici H.

World Applied Sciences Journal, vol.12, no.10, pp.1832-1838, 2011 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 12 Issue: 10
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Journal Name: World Applied Sciences Journal
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.1832-1838
  • Keywords: Capital accumulation, Globalization, Landed property, Rent, Urbanization
  • Istanbul Kültür University Affiliated: Yes


Rent as a Means of Capital Accumulation in Turkey Since the 1980s Turkey has been experiencing anew era of urbanization in parallel with global trends. The most important characteristics of this new era is that rent resulting from increasing value of urban land has become a point of interest for global capital. In Turkey, however, in contrast to the Western world, the rent obtained from urban space results from transformation of state property into private. As there has been no legal framework regulating this transformation, the management of urban land has become an object of political manipulation. This phenomenon has some negative effects: preventing a proper urban planning; changing modes of employment, income distribution and spatial organization in cities; causing social polarization and spatial dissociation. This article analyzes the current situation not only by referring to the present conditions, but also from a theoretical and historical perspective. Therefore, in the first section, I present the theory of rent and highlight the differences between means of obtaining rent. Later, I examine land ownership in Turkey from the Ottoman time to the present day. In the last section, based on the rent theory and the phenomenon of land ownership, I examine three different periods of urban development that occurred between 1923 and today. © IDOSI Publications, 2011.