Nagative Leadership in Architectural Design Offices

Kasapoğlu E.

in: Dark Sides of Organizational Behavior and Leadership, Maria Ford Brandebo Aida Alvinus, Editor, IntechOpen, London, pp.67-90, 2019

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Publisher: IntechOpen
  • City: London
  • Page Numbers: pp.67-90
  • Editors: Maria Ford Brandebo Aida Alvinus, Editor
  • Istanbul Kültür University Affiliated: Yes


Building projects performed by a design team, which include the architectural, structural, and building services teams. The success of the project depends on the performance of each team. When a large number of people are working on a project, a high level of successful teamwork is required. As in all teams, an architectural design team needs a leader and, in this case, the owner of the office is the formal leader of the design team. Generally, architects are leaders of both the architectural design team and the design team. As the leader of both groups, the relationship between the leader architect and the groups directly related to the project’s success. If the personal objectives of every team member united with the team objectives, members will be more eager to achieve the team objectives. The behaviors of the lead architect are important factors in the performance of the design team in a construction project. The purpose of this study is emphasizing the importance of leadership in architectural design teams. The chapter will mainly focus on the effects of negative leadership on architectural design offices and on how leadership behaviors affect the performance of the design team.