Broadband equalizer design with commensurate transmission lines via reflectance modeling

ŞENGÜL M., Yarman S. B.

IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, cilt.E91-A, sa.12, ss.3763-3771, 2008 (SCI-Expanded) identifier


In this paper, an alternative approach is presented, to design equalizers (or matching networks) with commensurate (or equal length) transmission lines. The new method automatically yields the matching network topology with characteristic impedances of the commensurate lines. In the implementation process of the new technique first, the driving point impedance data of the matching network is generated by tracing a pre-selected transducer power gain shape, without optimization. Then, it is modelled as a realizable bounded-real input reflection coefficient in Richard domain, which in turn yields the desired equalizer topology with line characteristic impedances. This process results in an excellent initial design for the commercially available computer aided design (CAD) packages to generate final circuit layout for fabrication. An example is given to illustrate the utilization of the new method. It is expected that the proposed design technique is employed as a front-end, to commercially available computer aided design (CAD) packages which generate the actual equalizer circuit layout with physical dimensions for mass production. Copyright © 2008 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.