In the last decades, the dynamic face of biotechnology increased the number of M plants and abled the production of more precise genetically modified organisms. Since the introduction of recently developed new breeding techniques, there has been on-going debate on food safely and on the regulation concern of new biotech crops. The presently used one-by-one approach for CMOs which has been commercialized and developed by mainly transforming the usage of a transgenic insert so far, is reorganized for legislation needs of these new organisms. Furthermore, the growing number of complexities of G MOs in the commercialization pipeline and the possibility of the presence of unauthorized CMOs in the food chain has led to a demand for new technologies and stratagies to detect CMOs. In order to provide readers with current viewpoints on this topic, this chapter focuses on the key points at present. These are developing biotech plants, analysis methods for food and feed in the light of new breeding technologies, and the unintended effects of genetic transformation. It will summarize the DNA-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, the most widely accepted GMO detection method, which is classified into screening, gene-specific, construct specific, and transgenic event-specific methods according to the level of specificity. 'ubsequently, this chapter will elaborate the envisaged evolution of the GMO crops and the challenge for the detection methods of new biotech crops.