6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2012, Rome, Italy, 13 - 15 June 2012
The corner beam-column joints are among the weakest members of reinforced concrete frames in terms of seismic resistance. In addition, the use of low strength concrete, plain reinforcing bars and inadequate transverse reinforcement in beam-column joints are the facts increasing the failure risks of these members during earthquakes. While the beam-column joints of most of the existing relatively old structures are in urgent need of retrofitting due to these deficiencies, the beams framing into the joint and the existing reinforced concrete slab make it very difficult to make any kind of intervention for enhancing the seismic behaviour of joints. In this study, two full-scale three-dimensional reinforced concrete frames were tested in a displacement controlled quasi-static manner under the effect of vertical and reversed cyclic lateral loads. The specimens were intentionally constructed with low strength concrete and plain round reinforcing bars. In addition, no transverse bars were placed in the joint core. While joints of one of the frames were retrofitted with carbon fiber reinforced polymer sheets, the other frame was tested as a reference specimen. While the reference frame exhibited a poor performance due to premature failure of the joints, the retrofitted frame performed satisfactorily and the failure occurred due to ductile flexural damages of the beams.