6th Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference, SBAC 2008, Belgrade, Serbia, 7 - 11 May 2008, pp.233-243
In this work, the optical CCD observations and long slit spectra of the galactic supernova remnants G59.5+0.1, G84.9+0.5 and G67.7+1.8 are presented. The observations are carried out with the RTT150 1.5 m-Russian-Turkish joint Telescope, at TUBITAK National Observatory (TUG) in Antalya, Turkey. The optical observations of G59.5+0.1 and G84.9+0.5 are reported here as the first observations of these supernova remnants. The images are taken with Hα, [SII] and their continuum filters. After subtracting the continuum from Hα. and [SII], [SII]/Hα ratio is obtained. This average ratio is found to be 0.41 and 0.44 for G59.5+0.1 G84.9+0.5,respectively which is in a very good agrement with the ratio obtained from the optical spectra of our observations, i.e. 0.46 and 0.40, respectively, indicating that these remnants are close to, or interacting with, HII regions. G59.5+0.1 and G84.9+0.5 remnants are found to show diffuse-shell morphology while G67.7+1.8 showed arc-shell morphology. From the emission lines of the spectra, the electron density Ne, pre-shock density nc, explosion energy E, interstellar extinction E(BV) and neutral hydrogen column density N(HI) are calculated and presented here while the shock velocity Vs is also estimated from our observations.