Creative Commons License

Oruc Z.

TURKISH ONLINE JOURNAL OF DESIGN ART AND COMMUNICATION, vol.56, no.2, pp.1121-1128, 2001 (ESCI) identifier identifier identifier


In this study, virtual museums will be examined which considered as product of technology and the changing forms of communication with a structure of beyond time and space. Therefore, history of museum and its relationship with technology examined firstly. Ingress of technology to the museum life, use of technology as quality criteria at last technologic and economic race is demonstrated due to increasing competition and in order to meet the demands of museums. The development of virtual museum, the positive and negative approach towards the virtual museum has been studied. Concept of virtual museum and their types, which is not consensus yet, were tried to explain. Lastly to clarify this study, The Virtual Museum of Iraq selected and examined for reasons that will be explain later and a conclusion has been reached.