Hospital Selection Factors For Private Doctors Concerning Their Surgery Operations Services: An Application Of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)

Ergenc E., KIRBAÇ G.

Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi, cilt.56, sa.3, ss.1374-1397, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


The Doctors, who work in their own private clinic, cooperate with hospitals to perform specific surgeryoperations. In the healthcare sector the competition among health institutions is increasing. Therefore, theselection of an appropriate hospital is an important decision problem for the private doctors. There is somedecision criterias used among private doctors to choose the hospitals to conduct medical operations (suchas surgery, delivery) for their patients are addressed within the context of ServQual service qualitydimensions. Besides, by using a Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) application, an examination ofthree hospitals in the Izmir province has been performed. This study has addressed the external stakeholderhospital choices of businesses that provide private clinic services before the Covid-19 Pandemic (before2020). As a result, the FAHP method was used in the final three hospitals. Private Doctors’ hospital choiceswere compared using the ServQual service quality dimensions, which included 10 different service qualityaspects.